Can Prostate Cancer Be Prevented?
The prostate is a small gland that produces the fluid required for the semen and is located under the bladder, in the pelvic area. At a later stage in life (usually over age 50), men may develop Prostate Cancer. Sometimes this can be a benign growth or enlargement and at other times it could be detected as an aggressive tumor. Timely detection is extremely important in all cases.
In any type of cancer, it is difficult to zero in on the exact cause or triggers. The cause can lie in genetic or hereditary complications and even exposure to environmental carcinogens. For example: certain genetic mutations can cause cells to grow abnormally, ultimately resulting in cancer. There may be many such causes for Prostate Cancer.
Click here for some early signs of prostate cancer that you should be aware of.
Main causes of Prostate Cancer
There are no exact factors or concrete studies to prove the definite causes of Prostate Cancer. In fact, it is only possible to avoid the risk factors that cause cancer and maintain good prostate health. There is no sure shot way to prevent Prostate Cancer but men who consider themselves in the moderate to high risk category, can make healthier choices in their lifestyle. Here are a few factors that may be identified:
Heredity Cancer or Family History:
There are two types of cell generation and degeneration processes in our body. It is the balance of these that keep us healthy. Oncogenes in our body are responsible for helping cells grow and divide, whereas Tumor Suppressor Genes keep cell growth under check and are responsible for repairing any kinks in the DNA. However, when these are imbalanced they can cause mutations. These can be passed on to next in kin hereditarily. Few of these mutations can be identified as:
Although linked to Ovarian and Breast Cancer in women, unusual mutation in these genes can lead to Prostate Cancer in men
When this tumor suppressor gene does not let unhealthy cells die the excessive division can also be a cause.
These are genes that usually help fix any mismatch in the DNA and its mutation can cause Prostate or Colorectal cancer.
Mutation in these genes can also cause early onset of Prostate Cancer.
It is observed that with increase in age the risk of getting Prostate Cancer also increases. Although there is no conclusive medical reason, it is a widespread belief that this disease rarely affects the young. Men over 50 years may have other complicated health conditions and can find it challenging to cope with combination of disorders. It is also observed that with increased life expectancy and screening, Prostate Cancer is increasingly being detected in younger men. However, since the condition has an indolent course or may grow slowly, it is usually detected on its early onset. Majority of the progression can be diagnosed early and there are various invasive and non-invasive lifestyle- oriented treatments that are available. It is advisable to start discussing any symptoms with your doctor, to prevent Prostate Cancer and start taking testing options earlier.
Race or ethnicity
There are many studies being conducted on the correlation of race or ethnicity vis-à-vis causes of Prostate Cancer. Many studies revealed that African men are the highest risk groups whereas Asians and Latin men were on the lowest incidence rates. However, there may be other reasons for a higher risk rate. These include – delay in diagnosis, lower access to quality healthcare, lack of insurance, lack of screening tests or treatment plans. Patients with co-morbidities were also found at higher risk. It was also found that lowest risk groups like Asian men who moved to cities in developed countries were also at risk. This may be attributed to lack of exercise or healthy diet.
Diet and Lifestyle
There are some foods that can cause oxidative damage to your DNA. Eating lesser calories and cutting down on excessively fatty, red meat & dairy products can help greatly. Sometimes over-supplementing your body with vitamins can block your treatment or condition. A sedentary life and a highly stressful lifestyle could also be possible triggers for Prostate Cancer. Also, Cancer is now recognized as a lifestyle disease apart from being a hereditary one; it is extremely important to keep these factors under control.
Exposure to cancer-causing chemicals
In a world where the environment is constantly changing, there are many emerging toxins and harmful chemicals. For example: an herbicide by the name of Agent Orange used by US forces in Vietnam has been found to have epigenetic changes (small alterations in the DNA which affect its effective functioning). Exposure to such chemicals can increase the progress of an otherwise indolent course and make it more aggressive.
In order to maintain good Prostate health, it is also beneficial to increase exposure to sunlight as increase in Vitamin D synthesis can be beneficial in protecting oneself from many types of cancer. This includes prevention of Prostate Cancer.
Tips to Prevent Prostate Cancer
There is no proven strategy or single best way of preventing Prostate Cancer. Studies show that a person can reduce their risk through natural methods. This may include – positive changes to one’s diet, following a healthy exercise regime among many things. Most studies are not conclusive enough to understand if there are a set of factors to prevent Prostate Cancer. In fact, even those at risk – due to their age, race or genes can reduce their risk by maintaining good prostate health.
Surgery or Radiation are not the only options to treat Prostate cancer click here to find out more
Choosing a healthy and balanced diet
Consuming a low-fat diet with replacements for red meat, oils and dairy products helps manage weight and lowers the risk of heart disease. Increasing intake of fruits and vegetables is beneficial due to their vitamin and nutrient content. It has been found that Soya based products lower PSA levels as they contain Isoflavones which in turn have anti-inflammatory properties.
Consuming healthy Omega-3 fatty acids such as Seafood and certain kind of nuts such as walnuts also add to Prostate health. Cooked tomatoes release Lycopene which may also lower the risk of Cancer. Green tea and Black Coffee have antioxidants and are also good inclusions in your daily diet. Please consult your doctor before starting any diet plan and make sure it is charted in your overall health goals.
Exercising regularly
If you are overweight or are tending towards obesity, the risks might also increase with age. Maintaining a healthy weight is essential and increasing your time of exercise or physical activity for at least 30 minutes is essential. It can also reduce the risk of heart diseases and other cancers. Consult your doctor if you are getting on to any rigorous workout regimens especially if you have any health complications.
Certain drugs that are Alpha Reductase
This enzyme can change Testosterone, which is the main hormone controlling the growth of the Prostate Gland. It can convert it to Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and reduce its stimulation. Drugs like Finasteride or Dutasteride block this enzyme. It is also used to treat benign conditions like BPH which cause enlargement of Prostate. There are also a few drugs like Aspirin which can act like an Alpha Reductase but again these should only be taken by consulting your doctor first.
Cut out smoking and drink less alcohol
The effects of smoking and cancer are directly related. However, there may be no direct relationship between smokingand Prostate cancer. Cutting down on smoking and cutting back on drinking are directly related to good health. It can also reduce the risk of lung cancer, liver damage or any other related health problems.
Increasing Vitamin D intake
Although there is no direct correlation to the benefits of soaking up the sun literally; this may be a proven method for fighting certain cancers. Spending 10 minutes in the sun everyday minus a sunblock can be highly beneficial. There are also certain foods like Cod-liver oil, salmon or shiitake mushrooms which aid the synthesis of Vitamin D. There is also an option of taking Vitamin D shots or supplements as long as they are consistent with your doctor’s advice. Over-supplementation can also cause side effects or damage certain organs or hormone regulators.
Some men may have higher risk or exposure to Prostate Cancer owing to their age, ethnicity or access to healthcare. If you consider yourself in the high-risk category, contact your health care provider and find out how you can lower your risks. There is no way to prevent Prostate Cancer but only options of lowering its risks. Weave in an overall health plan that is congruent with your lifestyle and easy to keep up. There may be other options such as medications to lower the risk and prevent Prostate Cancer. However, side-effects and other factors will need to be considered. Getting regular screening done such as DREs (Digital Rectal Examination) and testing PSA levels can lead to early detection and recourse. It is also advisable to reduce stress from daily life and making time for the outdoors. In general, keeping yourself happy, peaceful and stress-free can reduce not just the risk of Prostate Cancer but also other diseases.